Portland, Maine
Artists, Media & Podcasts
Online Business
Liz Rhaney is an educator, filmmaker, writer, musician, and DJ. She creates multisensory forms of storytelling and archivism with sound, video, and installations. She obtained her BFA in Graphic Design from Armstrong State University (now…
Online Business
G Painting and Services offers a variety of interior and exterior work for both commercial and residential settings. Our services include painting, repairs, cleaning, demolition, remodeling e.t.c
Home & Commercial
Bangor, Maine
Skye is a certified trainer/group exercise instructor with many years of experience. Yale New Haven Wellness center and Pfizer Wellness are just a few places she's worked for.
Sports & Fitness
Westbrook, Maine
Located on Main Street in Westbrook, Blended Beauty is a small hair salon that specializes in Black/African American Hair. They offer multiple services and can work with natural hair. 
Beauty and Barber Shops
We are NSF Co. Inc., a nonprofit company also known as The National Saving Fatherhood Foundation. We strengthen families and communities by instilling fathers with a deep sense of responsibility, dedication, and engagement in their…
Camden, Maine
The Blackberry Inn is an 11-room Italianate Victorian style bed and breakfast located in the heart of Camden, Maine.
Travel & Lodging
Open since 1983 Antoine's Formal Wear and Tailor Shop is a family-owned business. They have fitted, altered, and designed thousands of dresses and tuxedos. At Antoine's, they have a wide variety of styles including classics…
Apparel & Accessories
Lewiston , Maine
Her Safety Net is a community-based organization that was founded in 2021 to provide advocacy for women of all ages, including immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities. While…
Lewiston, Maine
ProsperityME is a non-profit service organization dedicated to helping Maine’s immigrants and refugees build successful, rewarding lives in their new homeland.
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18 Plus
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Beauty and Barber Shops
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