Liberation Farms
145 Pierce Street
Suite 101
Lewiston, Maine
Suite 101
Lewiston, Maine
“The mission of Liberation Farms, the Community Farming Program, is to provide new American farmers access to, and culturally-appropriate resources for, the means of sustainable food production for themselves, their families, and their communities. Liberation Farms is food justice in action. It is a demonstration of the success that is possible when marginalized communities have the opportunity to organize and lead themselves. It provides new American families struggling with food insecurity with the tools and resources to grow healthy, culturally-appropriate foods for themselves and their community. This investment in growing nourishes body and soul as farmers ground into familiar traditions and meaningfully utilize their agricultural roots as they build new homes here in Maine.” Liberation Farms was started by the Somali Bantu Community Association. The farmers markets and farm stands accecpt SNAP, WIC, credit cards, cash, and check. In addition to wholesale orders their produce can be found at the Yarmouth Farmers Marke and the Alan Day Community Farmers Market. For more information please visit the website and or contact Kristina Kalolo, the Markets Manager.
Languages Spoken: Somali, English