Cultural Organizations (30)
The Burundi Community Association of Maine brings Burundian people together in their new home in Maine. President- Philémon Dushimire
The mission of the COCOMAINE is to facilitate the integration of Congolese people and assist them during their transition to life in Maine.
Djibouti Community and Volunteer Services supports the members of the Djibouti Community and their families through the resettlement, acculturation, integration, and citizenship process who are living in the Twin Cities of Lewiston and Auburn, Maine…
Founded in 2008 by Claude Rwaganje — a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo — ProsperityME is a non-profit service organization dedicated to helping Maine’s immigrants and refugees build successful, rewarding lives in their…
ProsperityME (Portland) Logo
“Mahoro is an organization dedicated to the peace and social well-being of every citizen of the Democratic Republic of Congo without discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin. The Democratic Republic of Congo has gone…
At A.C.M. our mission revolves around raising the standard of living and the peaceful nature of the Angolan people who have chosen Maine to be their home. Our Vision Statement: To live in Maine with…
Community Organizing Alliance (COA) is a social justice, civic engagement organization that centers the voices and experiences of BIPOC & low-income Mainers to ensure they are empowered and engaged in their communities.
"The Rwanda Community Association of Maine provides integration guidance and support to Rwandan immigrants in Maine." President, Antoine Bikamba
NAACP branch located within the Maine State Prison. All correspondences can be sent to Foster Bates.
National association for the advancement of colored people logo
South Portland, Maine
The Maine Youth Action Network (MYAN) supports youth & adult allies — with training, networking & leadership opportunities — for positive change.
Maine youth action network Logo
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