Nonprofits (51)
South Portland, Maine
The Maine Youth Action Network (MYAN) supports youth & adult allies — with training, networking & leadership opportunities — for positive change.
Maine youth action network Logo
MANA is an immigrant-led organization that promotes social & personal of immigrants through: - Raising awareness of individual and collective trauma and how they affect our lives - Expanding people’s resilience building strategies by exploring…
Portland, Maine
TEoC is a non-profit organization, founded in 2015 by René Goddess Johnson, Nicole Antonette Chioma Mokeme, and Christina W. Richardson, as a small, 8-member theater company filling a cultural niche in Portland, Maine. TEoC has…
Lewiston , Maine
Lewiston Auburn Youth Network is a brand-new, ethnic-based, nonprofit organization, with its principal office in the heart of Lewiston-Auburn, serving disadvantaged immigrant and refugee youth who came from low-income background families, between 8 – 16 years…
Public Health agency that support New Mainers about healthy living and teaching through Health Literacy for Women, Men, and Adolecent Health.
Lewiston , Maine
At IFKA we are focused on positively impacting the community where we operate, the lives of vulnerable and underserved populations, and the health of our region. We combine purpose, innovation, and experience to deliver impactful…
Portland , Maine
Action For Life is a non profit organization educating immigrants to empower themselves, to become self-reliant, and overcome all the many challenges that they face when they move to Maine.
It is Founded by Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project in 2005 and led by Maine People’s Resource Center (MPRC) since 2012, the Maine Immigrants’ Rights Coalition, also known as MIRC, grew in size and power from…
Maine immigrants right coalition Logo
Here at Djiboutian American Community Empowerment Project (DACEP), we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 2019, we’ve been driven by the same…
Westbrook, Maine
Created by and for women from a minority community in Maine. In Her Presence strives to bring together immigrant women from across communities and generations to ensure that Maine’s economic agenda
In Her Presence logo
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