Business + Consulting (30)
Portland , Maine
Felix Hageniamana is Immigration lawyer in Portland ME. His law firm Hagenimana Law specializes in immigration law. He has previously worked as a linguist, translator, and consultant for the BBC and a student attorney in…
Logo for Hagenimana Law - circle with text and gavel with books in the background | Black Owned Maine Portland
We support communities, individuals, and institutions tackling racial justice issues across the nation by providing consultation, education, advocacy, and solution based action.
equity consulting education Logo
Nxt Lvl Scaling is a virtual marketing and operations management company. We are the key the attracting, nurturing, servicing and leveraging your best leads and clients. We use the most cutting edge software tools to…
Glenburn, Maine
Welcome to The Holloway Group, LLC, a leading independent professional development and consulting firm serving clients throughout Maine and New Hampshire. We understand that today’s business environment is about quality and reliability, not size. That’s…
Yarmouth, Maine
Kellie Nichole Wellness provides busy women in-person or virtual support and guidance to create a healthy, balanced, lifestyle. Clients can get support for diet, exercise, sleep hygiene and other wellness related habits. Group and corporate…
Kellie Nichole Transparent Logo
Work Place & Personal Health Insurance, Senior Solutions. Life, Accident, Short term disability plans and Annuities
Yarmouth, Maine
Buying or selling a home goes beyond a transaction: it’s a huge life event that can be riddled with dangers for the unwitting. That’s why I am dedicated to providing exceptional, personalized service with genuine…
Associate broker Coleen Smith
Scarborough, Maine
IT and analytics consulting, sales of analytic products, and staff augmentation.
Dignitas solution logo
Portland, Maine
Our mission is to connect people and organizations with the resources they need to maximize their potential for brilliance. We begin with an assessment or series of facilitated stakeholder conversations to identify the root causes…
My work is rooted in an awareness that we live in the balance of systemic oppression and ever-emerging resilience, and a personal commitment to Liberation through building and sustaining relationships that open up possibilities for…
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