Food Trucks (5)
Portland, Maine
Food Truck serving New Orleans-style shaved ice called, snoballs.
Little Easy Snowballs logo
Portland, Maine
We are a mobile fried dough cart that provides vegan fried dough in Portland, Maine. Catch us in various locations around the city or outside your favorite bar or brewery.
Fred's Fried Dough business Logo
Lewiston, Maine
Isuken is the nation’s first Somali Bantu farm-to-table, worker-cooperative, food truck and Lewiston’s new destination for fresh local food and Somali Bantu cuisine.
isuken coop business Logo
Sanford , Maine
Mainely Hot Dogs café is located at 1299 Maine Street, Sanford. Our menu features Nachos, Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Soft Pretzels, and Mini Food. We offer indoor and outdoor catering services, and our operating hours are…
Seasonal Jamaican food truck located in the parking lot of Caribbean Grocery in Lewiston, Maine. Food is seasoned with local herbs and marinated in authentic Jamaican sauce and spices.
Jeff's Jamaican Cuisine Logo on a wooden entrance
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