Grocery & Convenience Stores (32)
Lewiston, Maine
Somali grocery items and prepared food. (Lunch
Baraka Store front at Lisbon street Lewiston
Lewiston, Maine
Grocery convenience store that sells food and non-food items, some examples are Halal meat, international foods, and fashion clothing. It is runned by Firdowsa Hassan Ali.
Lewiston, Maine
Grocery items and beauty supply
Nasri grocery store front at 205 main street Lewiston
Mogadishu is a Somali-owned and woman-owned grocery, restaurant, and clothing store in downtown Lewiston. They serve hot food for takeout. Stop by and speak with Mama Shukri in-person
Woman inside the car Mogadishu Business Center and Restaurant
Westbrook , Maine
Visit and Shop at Mayas African Supermarket. Discover a shopping experience where everything they do is readied toward making it easy and convenient for you to shop for a variety of good quality, African foods,…
Maya's african supermarket Store front
Westbrook , Maine
African and Caribbean market is a grocery located at Westbrook Maine. They sell all variety of authentic food from the islands and Africa at affordable prices.
Jamaican Food, Spices, Snacks & More!!! "Spice it up the Jamaican Way!!!"
Lewiston , Maine
Jowhaar Store is a Grocery Store located at 250 Lisbon Street, Lewiston Maine . They also sell high quality smart phones and you can also pay your electrical bill or even your cell phone bill.…
Portland, Maine
The African Super Market offers affordable goods traditionally used by peoples of the Diaspora.
Egg plant in African Supermarket
Offering authentic, hard to find, Caribbean Island products
Caribbean Life Grocery and Gift Shop
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