Sports & Fitness (13)
Portland, Maine
Special Class for BOM Network Members: Intro to Boxing + Sauna Class I Get Active is owned by Sasha Lamour - a 4x Golden Gloves Champion with the ability to turn anyone into a fitness…
Photo of 8 people working out at punching bags in a row with a trainer behind them in a gym setting - I Get Active | Black Owned Maine Portland
Yarmouth, Maine
Kellie Nichole Wellness provides busy women in-person or virtual support and guidance to create a healthy, balanced, lifestyle. Clients can get support for diet, exercise, sleep hygiene and other wellness related habits. Group and corporate…
Kellie Nichole Transparent Logo
Lewiston , Maine
The Maine Bulldogs are a men's professional basketball team based in Lewiston Maine, playing in the American Basketball Association (ABA). The team is committed to providing high-quality entertainment both on and off the court, with…
Portland, Maine
Veeva Banga is a South Sudanese dancer. She has a passion for sharing her cultural dance with people locally.
Veeva banga
Wind - Traditional Martial Arts operates out of the Kishintaikan Dojo in Downtown Bangor. We teach Haidong Gumdo, a Korean style of swordsmanship.
Wind - Traditional Martial Arts Logo
Lewiston , Maine
Fitness studio offering personal training and group fitness classes.
Bangor, Maine
Skye is a certified trainer/group exercise instructor with many years of experience. Yale New Haven Wellness center and Pfizer Wellness are just a few places she's worked for.
Skyes Fitness Logo
Martial arts gym/instruction
Bar Harbor, Maine
We leverage advances in neuroscience and exercise science to empower you to physically and mentally excel. From athletes to laypersons, we design exercise programs that feel better and produce faster
Exercise Design Lab Logo
Portland, Maine
Louisa is a yoga instructor, reiki professional, social justice consultant, and copy editor with over 15 years experience. 
Louis irele yoga
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