Weddings & Events (17)
Deborah Bafongo is an immigrant who came to Maine in 2014. Her business is dedicated to wedding and event planning. Bafongo opened her business just 5 years post-arrival to the U.S. and has lived in…
Founded in 2013, Maine Adventurous Weddings specializes in wedding officiating, wedding day management and coordinations, and adventure travel advising. We take the stress out of wedding planning so couples can truly enjoy their special day.…
Auburn, Maine
Innox Entertainment is an events promoter based out of Portland Maine. They pride themselves on providing high quality, budget-conscious and worry-free services. They provide event planning, promotion
Portland, Maine
Number and Letter Marquee Party prop rentals. Servicing ME
W and A Entertainment (a.ka. WandA) is a new innovative entertainment company working to better unite the arts and performance industries. The mission? To build confident communities and to inspire fulfilling experiences through the creative…
south portland, Maine
Event design
Dane Morgan is a Portland based DJ who has had quite an involvement in the community. His club is an "affordable upscale" environment. He also used his skills to play some pro-black artists and clips…
Owner standing with Ambassatah music Logo
Jefferson, Maine
Make Dreams into a Reality at Le Barn. Le Barn is the perfect place for a rustic or country barn wedding. Today weddings in a barn are taking place all over the country and offer…
Le Barn logo
Hey Everyone! My name is Jessica. I am a couples, engagement, and wedding photographer located in Portland, Maine. I am very willing to travel to your dream destination to make it that much more.
Owner of jpaige photography Jessica Paige
Wedding Venue
Caswell Farm and wedding barn logo
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