Houlton, Maine
Automotive Detailing, ATV & UTV, boat, and outdoor equipment
Auto Services & Repairs
Online Business
We are a black, female owned curly hair exclusive salon located in Portland. We strive to teach any/everyone how to manage and love their natural curls. Your curls are our business!
Beauty and Barber Shops
Portland , Maine
John Ochira is a photographer who operates in the Portland area. In the past he has had hands on experiences with many events in Maine. He's also the president of the South Sudanese Community where…
Art & Music, Media & Podcasts
Premier farm to table caterer. Associated with The Bar Association and Caswell Farm and Wedding Barn
Good Look'n provides event design and wedding planning services across New England. We believe in the spirit of craftsmanship and value the innovation of local goods and artistry to aid in the development of our…
Weddings & Events
South Portland, Maine
Afro-American Brothers and Sisters; come and experience the life giving of the Islamic teachings of the honorable Elijah Muhammad, as taught by the Supreme Minister Warren Muen.
Religious Organizations
Portland, Maine
Music Production , Hip-Hop R&B
Art & Music
Gray, Maine
Craft cocktail catering service
Online Business
"Best Cleaner Ever!" "No more wasting time searching for a cleaner!" An exceptional cleaning service in Portland, ME. Book online in 60 seconds, pay online when the job is done.
Home & Commercial
Portland, Maine
VIVA The Sensation is a singer, actor, model, bandleader, dancer, activist, and producer. Her otherworldly performances are electrifying and unpredictable raves from an Afrofuturist dream. The Indigo Arts Alliance AIR combines thumping electronica dance beats…
Art & Music
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