Art & Music (77)
Portland, Maine
Commercial, editorial, and art photographer specializing in portraiture & alternative processes
Séan Alonzo Harris photography business Logo
Dane Morgan is a Portland based DJ who has had quite an involvement in the community. His club is an "affordable upscale" environment. He also used his skills to play some pro-black artists and clips…
Owner standing with Ambassatah music Logo
VIVA The Sensation is a singer, actor, model, bandleader, dancer, activist, and producer. Her otherworldly performances are electrifying and unpredictable raves from an Afrofuturist dream. The Indigo Arts Alliance AIR combines thumping electronica dance beats…
Portland, Maine
Dimitrius Designs is a small business run by Eddie Dimitrius Scott. He is a virtual artist and his work is often inspired by the following themes the occult, mythology, epics, psychology, astrology and powerful female…
Dimitrus Designs Logo
Lewiston , Maine
Mukwa LLC is located at 86 Lisbon street in Lewiston and they specialized on hair products , caring for kinky/curly hairs and they have a book about it, they also specialized on importing arts from…
Portland, Maine
Vocalist and performer
Photo of Suzie assam
Stream Reggae is a band that performs music of the reggae genre. This group performs at events. Some of the events they've performed at includes weddings, cafes, and even Funky Bow Brewery. For more on…
Stream reggae logo
Portland, Maine
I am an internationally touring musician, recording artist, storyteller, and journalist. Born and raised in Maine.
Picture Samuel James performing with a microphone and a guitar
Better Letter is a four-way partnership between sign painters and artists Will Sears, Tessa O’Brien, Ryan Adams, & Rachel Adams.
Better Letter Hand Painted Signs logo
Portland, Maine
Ryan Adams is a painter and muralist. His background in traditional graffiti led him to creating large-
RYAN Adams imitating his portrait
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