Art & Music (77)
Biddeford , Maine
Gil Corral received his BFA from the University of New Mexico. He is the director and founder of Hogfarm Studios in Biddeford, Maine, where he works, teaches and guides.  Additionally, the Hogfarm is an active…
Portland, Maine
Titi de Baccarat is a multidisciplinary African artist, ­­at once painter, sculptor, jeweler, clothing designer, writer, activist and more. His authentic style is based on the use of heterogeneous materials which gives his works the…
Lewiston , Maine
Mukwa LLC is located at 86 Lisbon street in Lewiston and they specialized on hair products , caring for kinky/curly hairs and they have a book about it, they also specialized on importing arts from…
Portland , Maine
Ikirenga cy’Intore teaches traditional Rwandan songs, dancing, and drumming. This includes Imihamirizo, a type of dance that portrays the power and bravery of the Rwandan people.we are here to portray the beauty of Rwanda culture…
Portland , Maine
Dj Jimmy Tabs is a DJ based in the Portland Maine area. For more information on his events and more visit his instagram.
Portland, Maine
"Our slogan is "Music without Limits"; When providing music and media service, we believe that it should be provided without limits. You may ask yourself "what does that mean?".
Brucemus media business logo
Portland, Maine
Conscious rapper
Shameek the God photo
Veronica Pounds is a graphic designer based in beautiful Portland, Maine. I moved from Los Angeles, California in 2019. I graduated from California State University Dominguez Hills in 2018, where I majored in graphic design.…
Bath, Maine
Liz Rhaney is an educator, filmmaker, writer, musician, and DJ. She creates multisensory forms of storytelling and archivism with sound, video, and installations. She obtained her BFA in Graphic Design from Armstrong State University (now…
Photo of person with antique camera in white sweatshirt | Black Owned Maine
Portland, Maine
Ryan Adams is a painter and muralist. His background in traditional graffiti led him to creating large-
RYAN Adams imitating his portrait
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