Beauty and Barber Shops (38)
Westbrook, Maine
Crown Beauty Studios prioritizes customer comfortability first. They do wigs, weaves, relaxers, color, and much more! Crown Beauty Studios work with all hair types and aren't specific as to what hair.
Logo Crown Beauty | Black Owned Maine Portland African Hair Salon
Lewiston , Maine
Hair salon in downtown Lewiston offering natural styles, braids, locs, and more.
Luxury in the hood store front main street Lewiston
Westbrook, Maine
Located on Main Street in Westbrook, Blended Beauty is a small hair salon that specializes in Black/African American Hair. They offer multiple services and can work with natural hair. 
Portland, Maine
Full-service salon specializing in hair braiding, braid extensions, weave wig application, dreadlocks, and barbering. "We sell quality wigs, hair pieces, brushes, du rags, flatirons, clothing, jewelry, mix cds, beauty products & more. Also enjoy our…
South Portland, Maine
Located on Ocean St in South Portland, Ami Salon offers a plethora of services such as cutting, coloring, waxing, and extensions.
Amilon salon store window
Portland, Maine
This grocery and convenience store that sells African food items and hair extensions in Portland Maine.
Moriah Store logo
Auburn, Maine
Fresh Cutz LLC is a barbershop that offers many services to their customers. They offer anything from fades, blowouts, and regular cuts. Not only do they service children and seniors
Photo collage from Fresh Cutz Auburn | Black Owned Maine Portland Hair Salon
Lewiston, Maine
Major Cuts is a barbershop and hair salon serving men, women, and children in the downtown Lewiston area.
Major cuts business Logo
Biddeford, Maine
Woodgrain Barbershop has been open for almost 3 years. Excellent barbershop in Biddeford.
Woodgrain Barbers store front at Main Street Lewiston
Portland, Maine
My mission statement is  “Beauty starts from within, Transformation begins with self care”.  I welcome diversity, inclusion, and love into my business. With my approach I believe that I am able to successfully create a…
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