Beauty and Barber Shops (38)
Portland , Maine
We sell wigs bundles, ponytails, braiding, and, hair accessories. We also offer weave installations.
Biddeford, Maine
Woodgrain Barbershop has been open for almost 3 years. Excellent barbershop in Biddeford.
Woodgrain Barbers store front at Main Street Lewiston
Westbrook, Maine
Berta Lindos is a licensed cosmetologist with five years experienced, who specialized in nail design. She is a born artist and loves creating unique designs for her clients.
the sacral sanctuary products use for nails
Portland, Maine
This grocery and convenience store that sells African food items and hair extensions in Portland Maine.
Moriah Store logo
Westbrook , Maine
Beauty by Joniece is a licensed Esthetician located at 90 Bridge St. Suite 437 Westbrook , Maine. They offers a wide variety of services.  some of the services they offers include: 1. Face and Full…
Westbrook, Maine
Crown Beauty Studios prioritizes customer comfortability first. They do wigs, weaves, relaxers, color, and much more! Crown Beauty Studios work with all hair types and aren't specific as to what hair.
Logo Crown Beauty | Black Owned Maine Portland African Hair Salon
Online, Maine
This black, female owned business was formed in order to produce rejuvenating and beneficial beauty products that are healthy for both the body and the environment AND accessible to the average person
Nakeysa Naturals Logo
Portland, Maine
Earthy Girls Beauty Was created and established by in 2002 by Cynoria L . Reed . Earthy Girls Beauty is a brand that celebrates the power of natural ingredients and holistic hair and skincare. Cynoria's…
Logo for Earthy Girls Beauty | Black Owned Maine Portland
Augusta, Maine
Milliennium Kutz is a neighborhood barbershop in Augusta specializing in cutting men’s hair.
Men haircut done at Millennium Kutz
Auburn, Maine
Fresh Cutz LLC is a barbershop that offers many services to their customers. They offer anything from fades, blowouts, and regular cuts. Not only do they service children and seniors
Photo collage from Fresh Cutz Auburn | Black Owned Maine Portland Hair Salon
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