Art & Music (77)
Portland, Maine
R&B and Soul musician. "I've been writing since the discovery of the gift at an early age; it's my tranquility, my love and peace and my desire!"
Joshua Hughes photo
South Portland, Maine
Akakapo and Co is a Jewelry company Run by Ebenezer Akakpo, a Ghanaian-American musician/artist. Using the importance of symbols and the themes they carry.
Akakpo business logo
Portland, Maine
Signature Soul is made up of the eclectic spoken word & hip hop duo Marco Soulo & Signature MiMi. We create and share poetry, music, & art that capture our experiences and shed light on…
Born in New Orleans, raised in rural Louisiana and now based in Portland, Maine, Rodney Mashia has been touching hearts and making folks smile for decades with his music. Music for and from the heart,
Picture of Rodney maschia the musician
Portland, Maine
Show Gerson is an Angolan born DJ known for showcasing deep house, electro house, amapiano. House music is known for his ability to create hypnotic and immersive atmosphere on the dance floor. The smooth grooves…
Portland, Maine
Ryan Adams is a painter and muralist. His background in traditional graffiti led him to creating large-
RYAN Adams imitating his portrait
Portland, Maine
32 French is a DJ/musician/Beatmaker based in the Portland area.
Picture of 32 french
J-Wizdum is a sample composer and producer based in Southern Maine. Check out his instagram to to learn more about his events and music.
Producer j- wizdum on duty
Portland, Maine
Based out of Portland, Maine, Kenya Hall has shared stages with incredible local and national acts such as The Roots, Dr. John, Lettuce, Jaw Gems, Rustic Overtones, Adam Deitch, Jon Fishman, Nigel Hall, Shemekia Copeland,…
Photo of Kenya Hall
Portland, Maine
I sell BANGERS! High quality, good and tasteful, and melodic raps, which attract my customers to stream and download my music. I have an original sound which is unique to my character and never heard…
Yonis Bryant the rapper on a photo shoot
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