Art & Music (77)
Portland, Maine
Indigo Arts Alliance. A place where freedom of expression and personal transformation through creativity is encouraged.
Indigo art alliance logo
Portland, Maine
Owned and run by Daniel Minter, Ayinde Arts is a commercial arts and illustration business.  Daniel Minter is a prolific artist, his work centering around themes of the black experience and spirituality. His work has…
Veronica Pounds is a graphic designer based in beautiful Portland, Maine. I moved from Los Angeles, California in 2019. I graduated from California State University Dominguez Hills in 2018, where I majored in graphic design.…
Portland , Maine
En-I-aM is an Alternative R&B artist that is base in Portland, Maine. A menagerie creating collage of sound utilizing a sundry of genres emotions insanity and reality. Cursed Blessed Hood n Good Structured Spontaneity Up.…
J-Wizdum is a sample composer and producer based in Southern Maine. Check out his instagram to to learn more about his events and music.
Producer j- wizdum on duty
Portland, Maine
Rapper, Poet, Performer, General Artist
Logo of almond butter smooth
Biddeford , Maine
Gil Corral received his BFA from the University of New Mexico. He is the director and founder of Hogfarm Studios in Biddeford, Maine, where he works, teaches and guides.  Additionally, the Hogfarm is an active…
Scarborough, Maine
Chad Gray aka Loc Dab is a rap artist based in Maine originally from Bridgeport, Connecticut, known for his creative raps and melodic sound, Chad Gray prides himself on being a true artist creating on…
Chad Gray aka Loc Dab the rap artist picture
His music is Funk, Soul, Hip Hop, Electronic, Spoken Word, and Live music.
Portland, Maine
Portland's lyrical genius and musical visionary. Rapper, songwriter, and creative force shaping the city's of Maine.
Picture of Drell on stage holding microphone
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