Art & Music (77)
VIVA The Sensation is a singer, actor, model, bandleader, dancer, activist, and producer. Her otherworldly performances are electrifying and unpredictable raves from an Afrofuturist dream. The Indigo Arts Alliance AIR combines thumping electronica dance beats…
Portland, Maine
Signature Soul is made up of the eclectic spoken word & hip hop duo Marco Soulo & Signature MiMi. We create and share poetry, music, & art that capture our experiences and shed light on…
Portland, Maine
Emcee, Producer, DJ, Audio Engineer. "It's Hip-Hop. It's more than just music. Heal the soul if you know how to use it." "Heavy beats, dusty vinyl, and dirty synthesizers are my specialties.
Graphic melee logo
Portland , Maine
Ikirenga cy’Intore teaches traditional Rwandan songs, dancing, and drumming. This includes Imihamirizo, a type of dance that portrays the power and bravery of the Rwandan people.we are here to portray the beauty of Rwanda culture…
Auburn, Maine
A writer and artist based out of Auburn, ME. Jason uses his pen to describe what he sees in the world around him with a writing style that can paint any mood.
Portland, Maine
Angelikah Fahray is a talented singer and musician. Growing up, Angelikah was surrounded by the arts and music was an important part of her life.
Angelikah Fahray performing on stage with a microphone
South Portland, Maine
South African Dj, Afrohouse
The owner DJ Musonda photo shoot
Portland , Maine
John Ochira is a photographer who operates in the Portland area. In the past he has had hands on experiences with many events in Maine. He's also the president of the South Sudanese Community where…
John ochira photography business Logo
Biddeford , Maine
Gil Corral received his BFA from the University of New Mexico. He is the director and founder of Hogfarm Studios in Biddeford, Maine, where he works, teaches and guides.  Additionally, the Hogfarm is an active…
Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Rachel Walls Fine Art is an art gallery representing the collections of Dahlov Ipcar, Robert Andrew Parker, Cabot Lyford, and Bob Kuhn. We create products based upon arted imagery by those artists. Rachel Walls Fine…
Rachel Walls stands before artist Dahlov Ipcar's portrait of her father, the renowned artist William Zorach. Photograph by Pat Davidson Reef.
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