Art & Music (77)
Portland, Maine
Titi de Baccarat is a multidisciplinary African artist, ­­at once painter, sculptor, jeweler, clothing designer, writer, activist and more. His authentic style is based on the use of heterogeneous materials which gives his works the…
Portland, Maine
Rachel works as a textile designer, painter, arts organizer and educator. Rachel has exhibited her artwork throughout New England.
Rachel Adams painting
Dane Morgan is a Portland based DJ who has had quite an involvement in the community. His club is an "affordable upscale" environment. He also used his skills to play some pro-black artists and clips…
Owner standing with Ambassatah music Logo
Better Letter is a four-way partnership between sign painters and artists Will Sears, Tessa O’Brien, Ryan Adams, & Rachel Adams.
Better Letter Hand Painted Signs logo
Born in New Orleans, raised in rural Louisiana and now based in Portland, Maine, Rodney Mashia has been touching hearts and making folks smile for decades with his music. Music for and from the heart,
Picture of Rodney maschia the musician
Lost Chickadee Art is a small Etsy shop with paintings by Tiahra O'Neill.
tiahra O'Neill of lost Chickadee art photo
Portland, Maine
KevCoast is a Vocalist & Songwriter from Charlotte Amalia, US Virgin Islands. He is a solo artist on the independent label, and collective, Wav Pool Records; a group of talented artists with a wide range…
Kevcoast photo
Portland, Maine
Show Gerson is an Angolan born DJ known for showcasing deep house, electro house, amapiano. House music is known for his ability to create hypnotic and immersive atmosphere on the dance floor. The smooth grooves…
Portland, Maine
I sell BANGERS! High quality, good and tasteful, and melodic raps, which attract my customers to stream and download my music. I have an original sound which is unique to my character and never heard…
Yonis Bryant the rapper on a photo shoot
Portland, Maine
Music Production , Hip-Hop R&B
OL- DU the artists
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