Art & Music (77)
Portland, Maine
Commercial, editorial, and art photographer specializing in portraiture & alternative processes
Séan Alonzo Harris photography business Logo
Westbrook, Maine
Videography/photography started as a hobby for me and has grown into a true passion. I grew up in China Maine, and love capturing compelling visuals of the state I love. I'm based out of Southern Main
Business Logo of Greg O'Connor Visual
Stream Reggae is a band that performs music of the reggae genre. This group performs at events. Some of the events they've performed at includes weddings, cafes, and even Funky Bow Brewery. For more on…
Stream reggae logo
Portland, Maine
Vocalist and performer
Photo of Suzie assam
Portland , Maine
Ikirenga cy’Intore teaches traditional Rwandan songs, dancing, and drumming. This includes Imihamirizo, a type of dance that portrays the power and bravery of the Rwandan people.we are here to portray the beauty of Rwanda culture…
Holistic Life Remedies is a sanctuary of peace and tranquility driven by the power of naturopathy and alternative medical treatments. Founded in 2010 by Cynoria L. Reed, it is an integrative wellness center providing a…
Portland , Maine
Tenessa Thomas is an artist based in Portland, Maine. This artist has designed sneakers, ash trays, and pendants. Her styles range from pictures of celebrities to portraits of her own designs. The talented artist may…
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