Art & Music (77)
Portland, Maine
Titi de Baccarat is a multidisciplinary African artist, ­­at once painter, sculptor, jeweler, clothing designer, writer, activist and more. His authentic style is based on the use of heterogeneous materials which gives his works the…
Portland, Maine
Indigo Arts Alliance. A place where freedom of expression and personal transformation through creativity is encouraged.
Indigo art alliance logo
Damariscotta, Maine
"When you hire me to shoot your most important moments- whether we're at one of Maine's many amazing scenic location, at your wedding venue, or on location at your corporate or marketing event-
Maine love photography logo which is a Watercolor hand painted blue heart. Symbol of love.
Portland, Maine
The visual artist who was born and raised in Kigali, Rwanda. My life spent has continued to instill in me a drive that not only includes a growing respect and admiration for what most of…
Picture from egide foxworth
Portland, Maine
Signature Soul is made up of the eclectic spoken word & hip hop duo Marco Soulo & Signature MiMi. We create and share poetry, music, & art that capture our experiences and shed light on…
Portland, Maine
"Our slogan is "Music without Limits"; When providing music and media service, we believe that it should be provided without limits. You may ask yourself "what does that mean?".
Brucemus media business logo
Portland, Maine
Angelikah Fahray is a talented singer and musician. Growing up, Angelikah was surrounded by the arts and music was an important part of her life.
Angelikah Fahray performing on stage with a microphone
Born in New Orleans, raised in rural Louisiana and now based in Portland, Maine, Rodney Mashia has been touching hearts and making folks smile for decades with his music. Music for and from the heart,
Picture of Rodney maschia the musician
Dane Morgan is a Portland based DJ who has had quite an involvement in the community. His club is an "affordable upscale" environment. He also used his skills to play some pro-black artists and clips…
Owner standing with Ambassatah music Logo
Portland, Maine
DJ RRUG EVENTS.LLC is an event management company involved into hosting musicians, performers, Deejay services such as wedding DJ , Private events , Birthdays, Silent disco, day time festivals e.t.c
DJ RRUG Logo picture
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