Art & Music (77)
Portland, Maine
Rachel works as a textile designer, painter, arts organizer and educator. Rachel has exhibited her artwork throughout New England.
Rachel Adams painting
Portland , Maine
En-I-aM is an Alternative R&B artist that is base in Portland, Maine. A menagerie creating collage of sound utilizing a sundry of genres emotions insanity and reality. Cursed Blessed Hood n Good Structured Spontaneity Up.…
Portland, Maine
Emcee, Producer, DJ, Audio Engineer. "It's Hip-Hop. It's more than just music. Heal the soul if you know how to use it." "Heavy beats, dusty vinyl, and dirty synthesizers are my specialties.
Graphic melee logo
Stream Reggae is a band that performs music of the reggae genre. This group performs at events. Some of the events they've performed at includes weddings, cafes, and even Funky Bow Brewery. For more on…
Stream reggae logo
Portland, Maine
Angelikah Fahray is a talented singer and musician. Growing up, Angelikah was surrounded by the arts and music was an important part of her life.
Angelikah Fahray performing on stage with a microphone
Portland , Maine
John Ochira is a photographer who operates in the Portland area. In the past he has had hands on experiences with many events in Maine. He's also the president of the South Sudanese Community where…
John ochira photography business Logo
Scarborough, Maine
Chad Gray aka Loc Dab is a rap artist based in Maine originally from Bridgeport, Connecticut, known for his creative raps and melodic sound, Chad Gray prides himself on being a true artist creating on…
Chad Gray aka Loc Dab the rap artist picture
Portland, Maine
Music Production , Hip-Hop R&B
OL- DU the artists
Auburn, Maine
Innox Entertainment is an events promoter based out of Portland Maine. They pride themselves on providing high quality, budget-conscious and worry-free services. They provide event planning, promotion
Portland, Maine
Titi de Baccarat is a multidisciplinary African artist, ­­at once painter, sculptor, jeweler, clothing designer, writer, activist and more. His authentic style is based on the use of heterogeneous materials which gives his works the…
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