Art & Music (77)
Dane Morgan is a Portland based DJ who has had quite an involvement in the community. His club is an "affordable upscale" environment. He also used his skills to play some pro-black artists and clips…
Owner standing with Ambassatah music Logo
Portland, Maine
Watercolor portrait on an oval frame from mwaura Ngoima
Portland , Maine
John Ochira is a photographer who operates in the Portland area. In the past he has had hands on experiences with many events in Maine. He's also the president of the South Sudanese Community where…
John ochira photography business Logo
Portland, Maine
This nonprofit is run by Burundi artists who express their culture through drums and dance. They are open to performing at various including weddings, graduations, birthdays and others.
Business Logo of Batimbo united
Portland , Maine
Dj Jimmy Tabs is a DJ based in the Portland Maine area. For more information on his events and more visit his instagram.
Portland, Maine
Angelikah Fahray is a talented singer and musician. Growing up, Angelikah was surrounded by the arts and music was an important part of her life.
Angelikah Fahray performing on stage with a microphone
Portland, Maine
32 French is a DJ/musician/Beatmaker based in the Portland area.
Picture of 32 french
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