Art & Music (77)
Portland, Maine
Emcee, Producer, DJ, Audio Engineer. "It's Hip-Hop. It's more than just music. Heal the soul if you know how to use it." "Heavy beats, dusty vinyl, and dirty synthesizers are my specialties.
Graphic melee logo
Dane Morgan is a Portland based DJ who has had quite an involvement in the community. His club is an "affordable upscale" environment. He also used his skills to play some pro-black artists and clips…
Owner standing with Ambassatah music Logo
Lewiston , Maine
Mukwa LLC is located at 86 Lisbon street in Lewiston and they specialized on hair products , caring for kinky/curly hairs and they have a book about it, they also specialized on importing arts from…
Portland, Maine
Rapper, Poet, Performer, General Artist
Logo of almond butter smooth
Portland, Maine
DJ RRUG EVENTS.LLC is an event management company involved into hosting musicians, performers, Deejay services such as wedding DJ , Private events , Birthdays, Silent disco, day time festivals e.t.c
DJ RRUG Logo picture
Lewiston, Maine
Variety of Photography from Weddings to Portrait to Commercial Advertisement
The DND image Logo on a cap
Portland , Maine
Tenessa Thomas is an artist based in Portland, Maine. This artist has designed sneakers, ash trays, and pendants. Her styles range from pictures of celebrities to portraits of her own designs. The talented artist may…
J-Wizdum is a sample composer and producer based in Southern Maine. Check out his instagram to to learn more about his events and music.
Producer j- wizdum on duty
Portland, Maine
I am an internationally touring musician, recording artist, storyteller, and journalist. Born and raised in Maine.
Picture Samuel James performing with a microphone and a guitar
Zahara's Fine lines is run by Zahara Hope M√∏nydet. Zahara is an artist with a focus in LINE WORK & COLORS. You can commission them for custom work via instagram.
Zahara hope monydet of Zahara fine lines
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