Art & Music (77)
Westbrook, Maine
Videography/photography started as a hobby for me and has grown into a true passion. I grew up in China Maine, and love capturing compelling visuals of the state I love. I'm based out of Southern Main
Business Logo of Greg O'Connor Visual
Lewiston, Maine
The Somali Bantu have a very rich African culture of art, music and healing traditions that we have turned to when governments have denied us access to basic necessities. Basket making is one of the…
Portland, Maine
Commercial, editorial, and art photographer specializing in portraiture & alternative processes
Séan Alonzo Harris photography business Logo
Portland, Maine
32 French is a DJ/musician/Beatmaker based in the Portland area.
Picture of 32 french
Portland, Maine
Rachel works as a textile designer, painter, arts organizer and educator. Rachel has exhibited her artwork throughout New England.
Rachel Adams painting
Portland, Maine
If you know who I am and you've supported my music before, thank you for coming back! If you don't know who I am, let me tell you a bit about myself: My Name is…
Zach Jones Be nice single collection
Portland, Maine
Ryan Adams is a painter and muralist. His background in traditional graffiti led him to creating large-
RYAN Adams imitating his portrait
Biddeford, Maine
We are Gil and Coco - husband and wife team that makes up Hogfarm Studios  in Biddeford since 2005!  We’re both artists (Coco mostly metalsmithing @lovinganvil and Gil mostly painting @gilcorralart) We live and work…
Loving anvil Logo
Portland, Maine
Portland-based creative powerhouse: Expert photographer, videographer, media planner, and fashion stylist. Crafting visuals, stories, and style.
Lola enodi of Le valable
Portland, Maine
Based out of Portland, Maine, Kenya Hall has shared stages with incredible local and national acts such as The Roots, Dr. John, Lettuce, Jaw Gems, Rustic Overtones, Adam Deitch, Jon Fishman, Nigel Hall, Shemekia Copeland,…
Photo of Kenya Hall
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