Art & Music (77)
Portland, Maine
Rapper, Poet, Performer, General Artist
Logo of almond butter smooth
Better Letter is a four-way partnership between sign painters and artists Will Sears, Tessa O’Brien, Ryan Adams, & Rachel Adams.
Better Letter Hand Painted Signs logo
Zahara's Fine lines is run by Zahara Hope M√∏nydet. Zahara is an artist with a focus in LINE WORK & COLORS. You can commission them for custom work via instagram.
Zahara hope monydet of Zahara fine lines
Foundation Reggae DJ
South Portland, Maine
South African Dj, Afrohouse
The owner DJ Musonda photo shoot
Portland, Maine
Owned and run by Daniel Minter, Ayinde Arts is a commercial arts and illustration business.  Daniel Minter is a prolific artist, his work centering around themes of the black experience and spirituality. His work has…
Lost Chickadee Art is a small Etsy shop with paintings by Tiahra O'Neill.
tiahra O'Neill of lost Chickadee art photo
South Portland, Maine
Genius Black, also known as Jerry Edwards, is a social innovator, entrepreneur, and musical artist based in South Portland, Maine. Naturally a storyteller and motivator, he focuses on collaboration and audio/ video production as a…
Holistic Life Remedies is a sanctuary of peace and tranquility driven by the power of naturopathy and alternative medical treatments. Founded in 2010 by Cynoria L. Reed, it is an integrative wellness center providing a…
Portland, Maine
KevCoast is a Vocalist & Songwriter from Charlotte Amalia, US Virgin Islands. He is a solo artist on the independent label, and collective, Wav Pool Records; a group of talented artists with a wide range…
Kevcoast photo
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